Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Maine Democrats refuse to vote for Kerry!

Well, they refuse to vote at all unless Boston can resolve its union disputes before the Democratic National Convention. From the Boston Globe article “Labor rejects a no-strike agreement”:

Meanwhile, in a sign of growing uneasiness in the Democratic Party, the chair of the Maine Democratic Party said that her state's 36 convention delegates would probably not cross a union picket line at the convention. Dorothy Melanson said she is confident the city can settle its contracts before the convention begins July 26, but said that if the police union has no contract and sets up pickets at the FleetCenter, Maine Democrats would be inclined to respect it.

"We're a party that supports labor all the way," said Melanson, who added that she intends to discuss the issue at a meeting for delegates scheduled next week. "We would honor picket lines."
"The delegation from Maine - out on Causeway Street - casts its votes for..."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:47 PM

    More and more, Maine makes Vermont look like Reagan country. Pitiful, but predictable.

    Rudy from Maine
