Saturday, June 12, 2004

The Kerry-McCain urban legend

On tonight’s Capital Gang, Robert Novak’s “Outrage of the Week” was that the Kerry campaign keeps playing a disingenuous game of footsie with John McCain to show that Kerry is open to conservatives (he’s a bipartisan uniter!).

Golly, I can’t believe they think this idea will fly. Isn’t it much more likely that Americans will wonder what is wrong with the Democrats that they can’t even find a decent #2 for Kerry? Also, it reeks of political calculation. Finally, I’m looking forward to the GOP National Convention when John McCain is introduced as the man the Democrats wanted for their ticket.


  1. Anonymous12:14 AM

    I think they're going to ask Quayle next.

  2. Yes, of course, Kerry is still 'Desperately Seeking McCain', to paraphrase the movie. He's probably dooming his eventual Veep to a more obscure obscurehood that even most Veeps endure.

    However, I think that Kerry is right in the middle of the worst month he can imagine. The first few days are taken up by Bush in Rome and France doing the D-Day thing. Then Reagan goes to his maker, and the American public has the ungodly poor taste to take a full week to immortalize a man who's greatness Kerry can never conceive. And here in about a week and a half, the 'Devil Incarnate's Husband' will release his book, which will further suck the oxygen out of Kerry's campaign.

    So how should Kerry meet his immediate challenge of reviving his campaign? How about again dragging out that trial balloon that McCain will serve as his VP? If nothing else he can at least get his name discussed on the Sunday shows.
