Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Kerry is for veterans, except when he’s not

The Boston Globe has an article today titled “Rare Kerry appearance causes uproar in Senate.” It seems that Kerry suspended his campaign for a day to rush back to Washington and vote for legislation on health care for veterans. Because Kerry, a veteran, wants to help out all the veterans who served their country and later became veterans. Some veterans served in Vietnam and Kerry wants to support his brothers-in-arms veterans.

But what’s this buried down in paragraph eleven of the Globe story?

According to Senate roll call records, Kerry has missed at least three votes this year on veterans' issues, including one on a Democratic proposal that would have allowed up to $2.7 billion in extra spending for veterans' medical programs, though he has regularly supported such funding increases in the past.
How about an ironic comment to close out this post, Senator?

"This is a very important issue, taking care of veterans -- I hope they're not going to delay veterans for political purposes."
Bravo [sarcastic clapping]

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