Friday, June 25, 2004

Holy Hyannisport, Splungeman!

Andrew Sullivan “supports” his “Case for Edwards” with this bizarre argument: “Edwards, whatever his faults, has plenty of zip. People like him. No one really likes Kerry. Edwards also gets the fact that a successful Democratic candidate has to have soul and passion.”

Working from the axiom that Americans (almost) never vote for a ticket because of the vice-president, doesn’t Sullivan’s statement actually frame the case against Edwards? Joyboy Edwards will make Kerry look even more dour, no matter how many footballs he tosses around the airport tarmac.

Plus, as I argued with Mark Kilmer, Kerry is all about gravitas. He’s got the baritone voice and the Kennedyesque pompadour; he measures every word for historical import. All of that will be diluted by Edwards. It will impossible for a Kerry-Edwards ticket to escape comparison to Batman and Robin.

Also, can you imagine a Dick Cheney – John Edwards debate? It’ll be Grandpa versus the Paperboy. It’s not gonna happen.

For the record, I’m now betting on Tom Vilsack, despite my impeccable logic several months ago in Dodd’s running mate pool.

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