Monday, June 07, 2004

He wore nice suits

If there was ever any doubt that the New York Times has become the Pravda of the American Left, look no further than today’s editorial on Ronald Reagan. It rankles with back-handed compliments that cannot conceal an undertone of contempt. The message: Reagan was an amiable dunce who fell ass-backward into good economic times (thanks really to Carter) and an age of freedom (thanks really to Gorbachev.) Everybody thought Reagan was swell, but he was “far more than some kind of chief executive turned national greeter.” Well, that’s a relief.

Extra: The Man without Qualities has his own take on the NYT’s editorial: “This hilarious editorial proves that even years after the fact the Times is still incapable of seeing things that Ronald Reagan saw so clearly and correctly when they still lay years in the future.”

More: Jay at Classless Warfare noticed too. Appropriately so, I guess (since the NYT engages in classless, and brainless, warfare.)

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