Sunday, June 06, 2004

George Will on Ronald Reagan

From MSNBC, here’s the concluding graf:

Reagan always believed that the world was watching America. Indeed, he thought the point of America was to be watched—to be exemplary. Hence the complete sincerity of his reiterated references to the City on the Hill. And when the democratic revolution against communism came, Tiananmen Square in Beijing and Wenceslas Square in Prague and points in between rang with the rhetoric of America's third and 16th presidents. The 40th president was not surprised.
By force of will, Ronald Reagan freed millions around the world. Yet his predecessor has a Nobel Peace Prize. Go figure.

1 comment:

  1. Considering the various thugs (Le Duc Tho, Yassir Arafat), liars (Rigoberta Menchu), and incompetents (Jimmy Carter, Kofi Annan,) who have won the prize, Reagan looks pretty good for missing out on the NPP.
