Sunday, June 27, 2004

Flip-flop in the making

Headline from today’s Boston Globe: “Kerry refuses to cross picket

Declaring his refusal to cross a union picket line, Senator John F. Kerry yesterday moved closer to canceling a speech before the US Conference of Mayors as union demonstrators marched on an evening event hosted by Mayor Thomas M. Menino.
Watch this one. I guarantee that Kerry will find some “accommodation” to give his speech before the mayors’ conference. This grandstanding is just another obsequious bow to the unions before he does what he plans to do anyway.

Update - Color me wrong: “Kerry cancels speech to mayors

"I don't cross picket lines," Kerry said last night, shortly after attending Mass at St. Vincent's Waterfront Chapel. ''I never have."
The statement leaves open the question of what he will do if the contracts are not settled before next month's Democratic National Convention.
Well, this is a pickle.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Isn't the boston police union planning to picket the DNC Convention. If he keeps his promise to not cross a union picket line, he may not show up to his nominating convention!

    Brian B
