Monday, June 28, 2004

Do you want this man in your living room for four years?

Andrew Sullivan says “I think not.”

The minute Kerry starts to speak, you can hear the life drain out of a room. When he appears on television, the right hand gravitates almost instinctively toward the remote. The word 'pomposity' doesn't quite capture the condescension of the man. Think Clinton's ambition matched with Gore's endlessly self-calibrating mind. Now remove all charm whatsoever. There's a reason he went un-noticed in the primary campaign. No sane human being would ever want to notice him. He's a human anti-histamine. He's Botox for the brain.
There’s something about Kerry (pomposity? frigidity? superciliousness? all of the above?) that is just so repulsive, I think the Presidential debates will turn this current 2000 replay into a 1988 Dukakis-style rout.


  1. Yep. After the debates, only the HARD left members of the Cocoa Puff Party will be voting for Liveshot.

  2. Anonymous9:33 AM

    I prefer to think of Kerry as Mike Dukakis, but without the charisma.
