Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Crush Kill Destroy

There are a mere 50 charter schools in Massachusetts, but they are attracting the best teachers and students, and achieving education goals. Therefore, as Jeff Jacoby writes in today’s Boston Globe, the Massachusetts teacher unions must destroy them:

If teachers unions in Massachusetts spent as much time trying to improve the large number of public schools they control as they do trying to hurt the minuscule number of charter schools they don't control, public education in the Bay State would be the pride of the Western world. Alas, quality of education has never been the highest priority of the unions and the many school-district bureaucrats who do their bidding. Like other monopolists, they are less interested in improving their product than in trying to stomp out competition - especially when it comes from a tiny but popular upstart.
Leave the charter schools alone and let the best school win.

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