Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Because I’m the Vet!

Did you ever see that Seinfeld episode where Elaine dates the deranged man who’s the spokesman for The Wiz (an electronics chain in NYC)? When he gets his old job back, he dons a crown and loudly proclaims: “I’m the Wiz!” while marching through Monk's Restaurant.

According to the American Spectator, despite warnings from his staff to keep a low profile, Kerry just couldn’t keep from playing politics at the World War II memorial ceremony:

"It was unseemly," says a major fundraiser for the memorial who was present on the dais with the president, his father, and other dignitaries. "The president and the White House went out of their way to make sure that the people this day was intended for didn't lose the spotlight. Then Kerry shows up with his film cameras and veterans groups and puts people out. It just didn't play well, as far as I'm concerned."
Are you attacking his patriotism? You can’t! He’s the vet!


  1. Anonymous9:49 AM

    He also handles criticism well!


  2. Hmmm... "says a major fundraiser for the memorial who was present on the dais with the president."

    Wow. What a great source. Nice spin. That is the most choreographed quote I've seen in a long time.
