Friday, May 21, 2004

Will Kerry give an “acknowledgement of nomination” speech?

This is just too much: Kerry considers postponing acceptance of nomination

"Only John Kerry could be for a nominating convention, but be against the nomination," Ken Mehlman, the Bush-Cheney campaign manager, said in a written statement. "This is just the latest example of John Kerry's belief that the rules are for other people, not for him."
Here’s my prediction: the Democrats will find any way possible to justify pushing off the “official” nomination so that they can raise more money. “Oh, he didn’t sign the paperwork yet” – something like that.

Mark Kilmer: "I accepted the nomination at the Democratic National Convention in July before I didn't not accept the nomination at the Democratic National Convention in July." Heh.

Even ridicule along this line won't stop the McAuliffe money hunt. It's all about the Benjamins for that guy.

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