Thursday, May 20, 2004

Were hand puppets used?

This Boston Globe article on the Kerry-Nader meeting cracked me up. It opens: “Senator Kerry tried to persuade presidential rival Ralph Nader to quit the race yesterday” but by paragraph four we find “Kerry did not explicitly ask Nader to drop out.”

How was Kerry’s request conveyed? Mime? Etch-a-Sketch? Hand shadows? Charades? The mind reels.


  1. Anonymous12:26 PM

    telepathy of course ... what are you a primative?

    why do you think kerry's head is so big and french looking?

  2. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Eric, ROTFLMAO! You are sooo bad! Keep it up! John
    (P.S. Must get a name and pw... what a pain)

  3. This was in the WaPo story:

    When Nader complained that the Democratic Party has given in to corporate interests, Kerry said, "Don't judge me by the people who preceded me."I think Kerry just threw his whole party under the bus.
