Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Wednesdays are for W

In a post titled “How Dumb is Al Qaeda?” Andrew Sullivan stands amazed that the Islamofascists tried to break our spirit by the brutal execution of Nick Berg:

They think they terrify us by this? The gang-murder of an unarmed, innocent civilian? And they think that it will add to the shame of Abu Ghraib, demoralize Americans still further, and prompt a withdrawal? In fact, of course, the Berg beheading does a grim but salutary service. In the midst of our own deserved self-criticism, we are suddenly reminded of the larger stakes, the wider war, why we are in Iraq in the first place.
I believe in President Bush for the same reason that Abraham Lincoln supported Ulysses S. Grant during the Civil War. “I can’t spare this man,” said Lincoln, “he fights.” George Bush recognizes that (whether we want to admit it or not) we’re in a global war on terror, a fight we cannot ignore or shrink away from. His opponent, on the other hand, believes the war against terror is overstated and primarily a law-enforcement endeavor. I suggest the former district attorney should serve a subpoena to Nick Berg’s murderers.

Today is the day that I urge readers to volunteer or donate to President Bush’s re-election; then check out all the other “Wictory Wednesday” bloggers working to keep America safe and strong. It’s important. Thank you.

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