Thursday, May 13, 2004

Today’s must-read

Jeff Jacoby on “The images we see – and those we don’t

Yes, Virginia, there really is a gaping media double standard. News organizations will shield your tender eyes from the sight of a Berg or a Daniel Pearl being decapitated, or of Sept. 11 victims jumping to their deaths, or of the mangled bodies on the USS Cole, or of Fallujans joyfully mutilating the remains of four lynched US civilians. But they will make sure you don't miss the odious behavior of Americans or American allies, no matter how atypical that misbehavior may be or how determined the US military is to uproot and punish it.
Don’t miss it.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:34 PM

    The Network that brought us Princess Di's agonizing last minutes - during sweeps - finds discretion and sensitivity when displaying the acts of our mortal enemies.

    Can the hypocrisy get any worse?
