Monday, May 17, 2004

Paging Dr. DB

Well, the good doctor is in Peru right now, but if he were here, I’m sure he’d have something to say about this story: “Premiums rising 11% for doctors

The largest malpractice insurer in Massachusetts will raise doctors' premiums 11 percent on July 1, angering physicians who said the growing premiums are driving their colleagues out of the profession, out-of-state, or to give up certain high-risk procedures.

Malpractice premiums -- which under the new rates will climb to more than $90,000 annually for many Massachusetts neurosurgeons and $72,000 for orthopedic surgeons -- have become a rallying cry for doctors. They are pushing for federal and state legislation to limit jury awards and argue that the rising rates are contributing to shortages of certain types of specialists, particularly obstetricians and neurologists.
The Democrats have blocked tort reform because it cuts into the income of their favorite special-interest group: the trial lawyers.


  1. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Pretty soon, the only MA citizens left will be lawyers, and they will have to ride horses everywhere (car insurance will be too high) and rely on accupuncturists and chiropractors for all their medical needs. What fun to live in such a progressive state. Yay!

  2. The problem here is not the actual malpractice proceedings (people do file way too many lawsuits, but that’s because of our excessively litigious society). The problem is the insurance: I don't recall the exact numbers and am away from my office, but the ratio of insurance costs per year to actual malpractice costs is in the realm of 25:1.

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