Monday, May 31, 2004

Off the wall

J. Francois Kerry visited the Vietnam Veterans Memorial today:

Many visitors to the wall offered their support as they shook hands with Mr. Kerry, but as he departed the memorial, a middle-aged woman wearing a flag sweatshirt heckled him. "Are you paying tribute to all the people you spat on, Senator Kerry?" she asked, referring to his antiwar activities upon returning home.
The NY Times, which doesn’t bother to include the Senator’s response (not newsworthy, I’m sure they rationalized) titled the article “For Kerry, a day of remembrance and campaigning.” Reading the article, it’s clear that he was more focused on the latter than the former. After attending half of a parade in Portsmouth, VA:

"I love a parade; I'm like every American," Mr. Kerry said in one of the television interviews, adding, "Everybody else gets to barbecue and I've got to go work."
Work? My senator has “worked” exactly three days this session of Congress, missing 87% of all floor votes. Resign your Senate seat and allow the citizens of Massachusetts active representation in the U.S. Senate.

Update - The Boston Globe fills in the details: "Kerry did not appear to respond to her, according to reporters who were at the wall to observe events on behalf of other reporters."

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