Thursday, May 13, 2004

Media review

Are conservatives naturally more intelligent? If you’ve been watching “Power Players” week on Jeopardy, the evidence speaks for itself. Tucker Carlson won on Monday and Ari Fleischer won yesterday. No conservatives on Tuesday, but Kwesi Mfume was beaten badly by Anderson Cooper of CNN. Tonight, left-wing “intellectual” Al Franken takes on Gretchen Carlson (CBS) and Keith Olbermann.

Speaking of Al Franken, Air America is in a tailspin. Media man Jeff Jarvis now doubts that it will last until the election. I listened for five minutes this morning and I can’t tell you how paranormally pathetic it was. The “Morning Sedition” gang played the audio of a Bush television ad and all they could comment on was the background music. I’m not making this up. They said it was “hypnotic” and segued into vituperation about how Bush supporters were part of a “cult.” As for me, I have a seat next to Karl Rove when the saucer takes us to Blisstonia.

Finally, American Idol was indeed a shocker last night as LaToya London was voted off, allowing – somehow – the much-less-talented Jasmine into the final three and causing the Smarter Cop to gripe We’re a tone-deaf nation.” Something is definitely screwy with the AI votes this season. If Fantasia, who clearly has the best voice, is voted off next week leaving behind two white girls, there’s gonna be a backlash.

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