Friday, May 14, 2004

Leno in Las Vegas: I just caught part of his monologue and, at the mention of John Kerry, a small group cheering was quickly drowned out by a much larger (or at least louder) contingent who obviously were not fans of Senator Splunge.

It was great. Did anybody else catch that?


  1. I'm usually much more of a "Dave" kinda late-night viewer, but yes, I did see the Leno show you mention.

    I had a somewhat different take. It was hard to tell just how "small" the Kerry group was, but you're right in that they were quickly shouted down by the Bush supporters. Were the Bush supporters simply late to rudely "Boooo" at the mention of their opponent, or were they politely enjoying the show until the Kerry supporters cheered their hero? Who knows.

    The other thing I was struck by was Leno's reaction. While he, like all late-night comics, enjoys touching on politics, he appeared to be caught off-guard by the crowd's bi-polar reaction. How do you entertain an audience that is fighting amongst itself?

  2. Anonymous12:45 AM

    lol, i saw/heard that, thought it was great.

