Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Greatest advice ever (about Blogger)

When I started this blog a year-and-a-half ago, Moe Freedman of Occam’s Toothbrush told me: “Teach yourself some HTML code.” And he was right! You should check Moe’s blog every day.

Anyway, as you may have noticed, Blogger changed individual post links into their own pages. But if you have very short posts, the text is centered vertically and you have to scroll down to see it. Down near the bottom of the template HTML code, directly above the code for (div class=”date”) is a line that should read on most blogs as (td bgcolor=”white”)

This is the background color for the main text section. If you change it to this:

(td bgcolor="white" valign="top")

Then when you click on individual post links, they will appear on top with the comments below.

Next mission: change the comment font color from gray to something readable. But first I need to do my morning commentary. Hope this helps some of you.

[change parentheses to less-than/greater-than for the HTML code listed above]

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Type & gt; (without the space between the ampersand and the "gt;") to get a greater-than sign, like this: (>). The less-than sign is, unsurprisingly, & lt;, like this: (<). Want more? My favorite html site is http://www.htmlhelp.com
