Thursday, May 13, 2004

From Best of the Web: “Why Kerry Should Resign”

We understand that campaigning for president requires a lot of time and travel, and it would be unreasonable to expect Kerry to be in Washington for every Senate vote. But his frequent absences are depriving Massachusetts residents of full representation in Congress, and in this case having what Kerry himself would view as a deleterious effect on public policy.
It’s not just the floor votes. Major legislation is being drafted in Senate committees and caucus discussions without the input of a Massachusetts representative. Who knows what highway or education funds were unallocated for Bay Staters because Kerry refuses to resign his Senate seat and allow for a full-time representative to serve the interest of the state? If Kerry had been doing his job, could he have prevented this development?

The US Navy is considering slashing its attack submarine force by as much as a third, according to an internal study, as a cost-saving measure that would dramatically reduce the workforce at facilities in New England that build and service the fleet.
Maybe it’s a ploy by Kerry to increase unemployment before the election.

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