Thursday, May 20, 2004

The free market in action

From the WashPost: Fuel Sippers Gaining on Heavyweights As gasoline prices continue to rise, large vehicles lose favor

As average gas prices have topped $2 a gallon this month for the first time, cracks are emerging in America's decade-long obsession with bigger and bigger vehicles. Drivers are starting to think about the cost of cruising in two tons of steel, and some are turning to a new crop of innovative -- and more economical -- smaller cars.
Isn’t that great? The cost of gas goes up and SUV sales go down. Freedom, baby! The freedom to pay $200 to fill your gas tank or the freedom to buy a Prius. It’s up to you, America!

Of course, if John Kerry gets elected (shudder), here’s the government-mandated vehicle we’ll all have to drive:

And we’ll have to carpool.


  1. My wife and I have both been hit by drunk drivers in our lifetimes. In both cases, our survival and escape from serious injury was directly connected to the size and weight of our cars, which is why I specifically bought an SUV for my wife and daughter. I have never been sorry for that choice.

    Where my family's safety is concerned, I couldn't care less about the price of gas, or the opinion of someone who puts their selfish agenda ahead of the lives of my loved ones.

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