Friday, May 28, 2004

The environmentalist fringe will come to regret “The Day After Tomorrow

In the Weekly Standard, Jonathan Last stole an idea I had and expands upon it with The Hijacking of "Tomorrow" - The left's attempt to claim Roland Emmerich's "The Day After Tomorrow"--and use it to bludgeon George W. Bush--is ridiculous.

Golly, it’s times like this I really do wonder about the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. “The Day After Tomorrow” is distributed by Rupert Murdoch’s Fox network (20th Century Fox, for the record). The movie has been almost universally panned as fantasy propaganda of the Earth First and Al Gore variety. Thus, whenever a serious discussion on global warming comes up, those warning of pending climate change will be dismissed as “those Day after Tomorrow” people.

Murdoch, you magnificent bastard. You’ve done it again!

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