Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Dems short on money, look to use – surprise! – public tax revenues

From the Boston Globe: “Democrat gathering is facing cash woes

With 83 days left before the Democratic National Convention, local organizers remain $4.6 million short of fulfilling their fund-raising commitment and have brought in only about $650,000 in new cash donations in the past month.

But if the Democrats can’t raise the cash, the city of Boston will be forced to foot the bill:

Boston 2004, the convention host committee, must raise $39.5 million in cash and in-kind contributions under the terms of its contract with the Democratic National Convention Committee, and any gap would have to be made up by public entities, including the city of Boston.

The unions are freaking out and Boston’s Mayor Tom Menino has swore that he will not use public funds for the Democratic Convention; but at the same time, he’s begging Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney (Republican) to spend state funds for the Dems convention. “Ha, ha! Good one, Tom,” responded Romney.

Still, Governor Mitt Romney has rebuffed Menino's efforts to get the state to pitch in, saying the city should be responsible for paying for an event Menino helped lure. Councilor at Large Maura Hennigan, a frequent Menino critic, said she and the unions would keep a close eye on any city resources Menino tries to direct to the convention, since city taxpayers have been promised that their money won't be used for the event.

I’ve always asserted the Democrats are addicted to spending other people’s money. The Democratic Convention will be a perfect demonstration of this theory.

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