Sunday, May 02, 2004

Buyer’s remorse sinking in?

As I’ve been catching up on the blogs the past couple of days, it’s remarkable how many articles and posts I’ve seen about how the Democrats are seriously bummed about John Kerry. This morning, the NY Times reports that a study indicates that if the Democrats hadn’t front-loaded their primaries, John Edwards would be the nominee. But they’re stuck with Senator Splunge so let’s all put on a happy face, shall we?

Or are they? I took a casual look at the Iowa Electronics Market this morning and – could it be? – there’s a downtick in John Kerry’s stock price for the Democratic nomination. Meanwhile, Hillary’s stock has seen a little bump. Hmmm… this a blip, or the start of a trend?

(A roundabout hat tip to Kerry Haters who also shows the IEM matchup between Bush & Kerry)

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