Monday, May 24, 2004

And the magic elves will fix our shoes too

In September, I wrote a post titled “Senator Splunge: Unserious about energy security” which criticized Kerry during the Democratic primaries for his vapid debate answers on energy policy. Well, he’s at it again:

"Our dependence on foreign oil is a problem we must solve together the only way we can — by inventing our way out of it," Kerry said.
Just what exactly does this mean? We’re going to hitch our energy policy to the hope that somebody will invent a breakthrough in energy technology? If we were losing a war, would Kerry declare: “We’ll just invent a better weapon?” We need to solve problems with tools and solutions that exist, for heaven’s sake, not ones that are simply envisioned.


  1. Anonymous7:05 AM

    But...but...he's right! I just checked and we've invented ways to drill for oil in the ANWR with nearly zero environmental impact, and we've invented safe and reliable nuclear reactors! He must mean we'll start drilling and building the day after his inaguration.
    That's what he means, right?

  2. Toren, when are you going to restart the Safety Valve? It's an election year.
