Monday, May 03, 2004

Advantage: Viking Pundit

Mere hours after my post (below) titled “Buyer’s Remorse sinking in?,” John Fund has an article in WSJ’s Opinion Journal titled “Buyer’s Remorse.”

Complaints about Mr. Kerry extend beyond his staff. John Weaver, who was strategist for John McCain's 2000 presidential campaign before he became a Democrat, calls Mr. Kerry's TV skills "abysmal. . . . I don't know if it's a stream of consciousness or stream of unconsciousness." MSNBC's Chris Matthews, who has lavished airtime on Mr. Kerry, is nonetheless frustrated with his elliptical speech patterns. "There's no such thing as a trick question with Kerry, because he won't answer it," he sighs. "We'll be having conversations afterward, and it's hard to get to him even then."

Which is why Jay Leno quipped the other night:

"If John Kerry is elected, he would be the first president to deliver the State of the Union address and the rebuttal."

Heh. Splunge!

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