Friday, April 02, 2004

Speaking in tongues

Enobarbus on Faux Politik gave me a laugh with this: “But if economic isolationism starts to sell with Democrats this year, Kerry may find himself having to propose something with teeth -- like some of the union talking points about "free but fair" trade agreements. (What the hell does that mean, "free but fair"? It's like saying Howard Dean is short, but in a tallish sort of way.)”

Free but fair” like “I voted for it before I voted against it” and “You are not duped when somebody misleads you and in effect lies to you or doesn't tell you the truth” is all part of a new language Kerry is trying to invent called Splunge-peranto. The defining characteristics of Splunge-peranto are statements that are 1.) non-specific, 2.) self-contradictory, or 3.) laden with escape clauses such that the speaker can later claim he meant the exact opposite.

(Side note: what exactly is the definition of being duped? Hmmmm...)

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