Friday, April 02, 2004

Not really sorry

Charles Krauthammer writes that Richard Clarke’s mea culpa is a “Phony Apology

First, the climactic confession "I failed you" -- the one that packed the emotional punch -- was entirely disingenuous. Clarke did the mea culpa and then spent the next 21/2 hours of testimony -- as he did on every talk show known to man and in the 300 pages of his book -- demonstrating how everyone else except him had failed.

While Mark Steyn in “Apologies come cheap” wonders if Richard Clarke will apologize for his role in the modern-day genocide in Rwanda:

By the time of 9/11, Clarke was far removed from the decision-making process. Thus, he cannot apologize for September 11th. But he might like to apologize for Rwanda, for which he had far greater responsibility.

Clarke might get around to it after a couple more publicity stops.

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