Tuesday, March 30, 2004

You asked for it

Fox News: “Rice to testify publicly before 9/11 commission

Viking Pundit: “Is the strategy to keep the story alive, build it up, so that Dr. Rice can confute Clarke’s self-serving testimony in the most public way imaginable? Maybe!”

Rosemary at Dean’s World: “I have a strange feeling. I keep expecting to hear check-mate. From Bush.”

Bill Hobbs: “The Democrats demanded it, though she already has testified for more than four hours in private, because the Democrats are politicizing the commission and, by extension, 9/11 itself. I rather suspect they'll rue the day they demanded Rice testify publicly. A brilliant African-American woman will soon be testifying in front of a sure-to-be-mammoth national TV audience, defending the Bush administration's record on fighting terrorism before 9/11 and since. Condi Rice may well do to them what Oliver North did in the 1980s when he made the Democrats on the Iran-Contra hearings look like fools.”

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