Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Why are these polls so close?

Yes, yes, I know eight months is an eternity in politics. And I know that Bush’s slump in the polls is an understandable effect of months of unanswered Democratic attacks. The anemic jobs report didn’t help. But, c’mon, America.

Maybe the issue is too black-and-white for me. Maybe I’m in denial. But once again (with feeling!): George Bush will keep this country safe. John Kerry will not. George Bush has served notice that we will not let dangers gather and wait for approval from the United Nations. John Kerry believes….who knows what he believes? And that’s precisely the problem. Ambiguity is dangerous because it projects a lack of resolve.

Here’s former Wall Street Journal editorial writer Richard Miniter on the costs of ambiguity:

"Every perception of American weakness increases recruitment, funding and prestige for Osama bin Laden," Miniter told WND. "When they attack and we retreat, you just embolden [your enemies]. When they get their way, they don't stop bombing, they bomb more. It works, and they just continue the process."

"Perceptions of weakness, of vacillation, all these things simply encourage the bin Ladens and Hitlers of the world," said Miniter.

I realize the economy and jobs are the top issues right now, but they’re meaningless unless we have our security.

Extra: Power Line has multiple analyses of the polls with some good/bad perspectives.

Bonus: Robert Tagorda also notes that more people seem to be voting against Bush than for Kerry. Hey, if you’re looking for a protest candidate, there’s always Nader!

Andrew Sullivan gets the final word on this post: “My stomach lurches at the thought of another terror attack while Kerry is president. What would be his first response: reach for a dog-eared copy of the early Sartre?”

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