Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Wednesdays are for W

I’m sure the question that arises whenever there’s a request to make a contribution to George W. Bush’s re-election campaign is: “he’s already got so much money in his campaign chest, why should I donate?”

The perfect response (with perfect Wictory Wednesday timing!) came in today’s WashPost: “Democrats forming parallel campaign.” In a nutshell: left-leaning “527” groups are raising large sums of soft money outside the barriers of McCain-Feingold and using them to supplement campaigns against President Bush.

Led by veterans of presidential and congressional campaigns, a coalition of Democratic Party interest groups, armed with millions of dollars in soft money, is rapidly constructing an unprecedented political operation designed to supplement the activities of Sen. John F. Kerry's campaign in the effort to defeat President Bush.

Make no mistake, I believe that McCain-Feingold is a clear violation of First Amendment rights. However, the Democrats pushed for this legislation and – hoisted by their own petard – they’re conspiring to circumvent the law rather than live by it.

Your help is needed now to ensure the re-election of President Bush. Visit his re-election website, volunteer, or make a contribution. It’s important. Thank you.

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