Thursday, March 18, 2004

The waffle king

Here’s Michael Barone in “Kerry takes both sides

The Bush campaign struck hard at John Kerry this week. When Kerry visited West Virginia on Tuesday, the Bush campaign ran an ad in West Virginia media attacking him for voting against the $87 billion supplemental appropriation for Iraq. The ad noted that Kerry voted for the Iraq war resolution but "later voted against funding for soldiers." It went on, "No body armor for troops in combat. No higher combat pay. No to better healthcare for reservists and their families. No–wrong on defense."

Kerry’s response: "I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it."

This response probably hurt–or will hurt–him more than the Bush ad.

I wonder if Karl Rove himself couldn’t have scripted a better line to underscore Kerry’s inability to take a position and his flippant attitude over what was arguably the second most important vote in the Senate last year.

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