Thursday, March 18, 2004

Today’s vocabulary lesson

1 - hoist with one's own petard : victimized or hurt by one's own scheme

Remember when John Kerry suggested he had international support in his bid for the American presidency?

Kerry said last week that he has talked with several foreign leaders who said they want him to win the presidential election in November in order to introduce "new policies."

Well, he wouldn’t provide the names of these foreign leaders, but today one of them voiced his strong support for Kerry:

He may have not been one of the foreign leaders with whom John Kerry spoke about his presidential candidacy, but former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad endorsed Kerry anyway on Thursday.

The former prime minister, who made headlines in October for saying at an Islamic Summit Conference that "the Muslims will forever be oppressed and dominated by the Europeans and the Jews," said Kerry would keep the world safer than President Bush.
"I think Kerry would be much more willing to listen to the voices of people and of the rest of the world," Mahathir, who retired in October after 22 years in power, told The Associated Press in an interview.

Now that’s irony!

Extra - This is too funny: the Kerry campaign begs foreigners to stop endorsing him. Hahaha!!! Gee, what brought this on?

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