Monday, March 22, 2004

Stephanie Cutter never fails to entertain

The Kerry spokeswoman has a flair for hyperbole:

"George Bush has been the steward of the worst economy since the Great Depression, and now he's hypocritically criticizing John Kerry for his efforts to put the nation back on track," she said.

Keep in mind that at the depths of the Great Depression, the stock market had lost some 90% of its value and unemployment topped 25%. But if Kerry wants to get us “back on track” I’ll take the bus:

[Bush campaign manager Ken] Mehlman said the Bush campaign will paint Kerry as "a senator who has a consistent record of voting for higher taxes, who wants to cut the deficit in half but, if you cost out some of his proposals . . . has a trillion-dollar tax gap" between what he has proposed in new spending and new revenue.

Even if Senator Splunge seized the assets of Bill Gates and the entire Wal-Mart family, he cannot remotely pay for all of the programs he’s promised. Where will the money come from? I wonder…

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