Monday, March 01, 2004

Senator Splunge is gearing up for his next “clarification”

From a WNBC-TV interview:

PRESSMAN: Do you think that because the president did not serve in combat in Vietnam that he lacks understanding of military needs?
Sen. KERRY: No, I've never--never suggested that. Never have raised that issue and I never would.

There’s this:

“I don't know what it is about what these Republicans who didn't serve in any war have against those of us who are Democrats who did.”

And this:

“I know something about aircraft carriers for real.”

Hmmm….he must be “suggesting” something else there. Mark Steyn explicates:

He mentioned his service in Vietnam a lot, but only as biography. Now he implicitly contrasts his military record with George W Bush's, and thereby to the war on terror. Mostly he does this through meaningless slogans. Everywhere he goes he intones portentously: "I know something about aircraft carriers for real." What does this mean? Does he own one? He's certainly rich enough to afford one and, unlike the French, one that works.

Get ready for the legalistic explanation of what “suggest” and “issue” mean.

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