Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Rumblin’ with the devil

According to MSNBC’s gossip page The Scoop: John Debney, the composer for “The Passion of the Christ” claims that Satan kept rebooting his computer. Debney told the Prince of Darkness: “Let’s take it outside, pansy.” Satan wimped out.

Debney claims that Satan’s image kept appearing on his computer screen while he was trying to compose music. “The first time it happened, it scared me,” he said. “Once I got over the initial shock of that, I learned to work around it and learned to reboot the computers and so I would start talking to him. . . . The computers froze for about the tenth time [one] day and it was about nine o’clock at night and so I got really mad and I told Satan to manifest himself and I said, ‘Let’s go out into the parking lot and let’s go.’ It was a seed change in me. I knew that this was war. I am not a physical person, but I was really angry on this occasion.”

C’mon, he didn’t really say that, did he?

Debney’s spokesman confirms to The Scoop that the composer did, indeed, say those things.


(Hat tip to Fark)

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