Friday, March 26, 2004

No Slick Willie zone

I don’t want to discuss Bill Clinton because I think his presidency does nothing to elucidate the problems facing the country now. This section from Lileks’ latest Bleat is right in line with my sentiments:

Look: to me that’s ancient history. That’s Flintstone time. If it weren’t for these hearings I wouldn’t give a tin fig for who didn’t do what when and where. September Eleventh was the bright red gash that separated the Now from the La-la Then, and we’ve been living in the hot spiky Now ever since. I am interested in the Now and the What Next.

But Dick Clarke’s book tour testimony to the 9/11 Commission has resurrected all kinds of questions that need to be addressed. Fortunately, Charles Krauthammer has taken on this responsibility so I don’t have to. Read up.

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