Monday, March 15, 2004

Kerry's statement on fraudulent coalition member Spain

John Kerry then: The President built a “fraudulent coalition” in Iraq (also, see Andrew Sullivan).

Now: From a “Statement from Kerry on the Terrorist Bombing in Madrid

“In addition to words of condolence and condemnation, America should offer every assistance to Spain in dealing with the aftermath of this tragedy and in bringing those responsible to justice. We must remember that all civilized nations are joined as one in the global battle against terror. While these attacks remind us that the fight is far from over, they also strengthen our resolve to stand together for the right of free people to live in a peaceful world.” [Emphasis added]

So where do you cross the threshold from “fraudulent coalition member” to a legitimate partner in the war on terror? Is it 200 deaths? Just wondering.

(Cross-posted on Blogs for Bush)

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