Wednesday, March 17, 2004

"I'm gonna let ya' in on a little secret, Ray. Wal-Mart sucks."

I'm allowed to vent a little on this blog, right? It doesn't have to be politics all the time. Yesterday, during my lunch break, I went to Wal-Mart to buy a gas can and some light bulbs. That's it. Up front, there are four registers open and nobody manning the express lane. Shopping carts are blocking the aisles and an angry mob had formed at the "service" counter. I dumped my stuff on a Snickers display and left.

Today (in a move sure to meet the James Lileks seal-of-approval) I went to Target to get the same stuff. Once again, I felt there weren't enough registers open and I got on line behind (only) three other people. But almost immediately, they opened up another register, and called me over with a jaunty "Over here, sir." Guess where I'm going to do all my shopping?

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