Friday, March 19, 2004

Fortunately, the Iraqis aren’t reading the NY Times

From an editorial in the WSJ’s Opinion Journal: “Optimists in Iraq

A paradox of the Iraq War that began a year ago today is that the Iraqis living through it are far more optimistic than the American elites who fret from afar. As predicted, and despite the car bombs and other violence that dominate the headlines, Iraqis really do believe they've been liberated.

And the Wall Street Journal sees the big picture:

The way to honor [American soldiers and volunteers’] commitment , and sacrifice, is not to impugn the war as a "fiasco" as the new Spanish Prime Minister so mindlessly has, or to rush to pull out because we haven't yet found stockpiles of WMD. It is to fulfill the tremendous opportunity that those who have died have opened, by helping to build Iraq into a stable, democratic Arab state as the first step toward transforming the Middle East. A year after Americans began marching to Baghdad, this is the legacy worth celebrating.


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