Thursday, March 25, 2004

Back on campaign trail, Kerry catches up on flip-flopping

From the Boston Globe: “Kerry spoke of meeting negotiators on Vietnam

Asked about the appropriateness of Kerry's saying that the United States had "murdered" 200,000 Vietnamese annually when the United States was at war, Kerry spokesman Michael Meehan said "Senator Kerry used a word he deems inappropriate."

Meehan said Kerry "never suggested or believed and absolutely rejects the idea that the word applied to service of the American soldiers in Vietnam." Meehan then declined to say to whom Kerry was referring when he said that the United States had murdered the Vietnamese; Kerry declined to be interviewed about the matter.

Here’s Kerry’s statement from the Senate hearing:

If the United States did not withdraw, Kerry said, then US bombing would continue, and "the war will continue. So what I am saying is that yes, there will be some recrimination but far, far less than the 200,000 a year who are murdered by the United States of America . . . ."

Draw your own conclusion. By the way, when is Kerry going to visit the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington? I’m curious about the reception he’ll get there.

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