Friday, March 05, 2004

All the cool kids are doing it

I feel I have to get on record for who I think Senator Splunge will pick for his VP. So here goes: Michael Easley – Governor of North Carolina.

A couple of reasons which will also serve to explain why other candidates are disqualified:
1.) Kerry needs a Southern state. A Florida pick makes him look too calculating and artificial. North Carolina’s fairly large and he may be able to appeal to more moderate “Northern” Southerners such as those in Kentucky & Missouri. Plus picking Easley would be a thumb in the eye of Edwards, whom Kerry does not like.
2.) Outside the Beltway. Kerry can’t pick a fellow Senator or Representative: too much Washington. A Governor adds an “executive” flavor to the ticket.
3.) No more Vietnam: Forget about Max Cleland or Bob Kerrey.
4.) Looking forward, not back: Nobody from the Clinton/Gore years. This rules out Bill Richardson, Joe Lieberman and Hillary.
5.) Not too popular: Another reason why Kerry won’t pick Edwards – he doesn’t want to be upstaged on his own ticket. A relatively unknown Governor adds gravitas without taking the spotlight off the Presidential nominee.

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