Friday, February 20, 2004

John Kerry: the “Why Not?” candidate

Kos on the Democratic matchup:

But ultimately, Kerry's biggest weakness is that no one likes him, unlike the well-liked, charismatic Edwards. The exit polls have been clear -- people vote for Kerry not because they are inspired, agree with his policies, or otherwise find him an attractive candidate. They vote for him because they think he is "most electable". And that aura is fading. The attacks are taking a toll on him and that perceived "electability". And since his support is not deep, it's artificial and thin at best, he has nothing to fall back on. [Emphasis added]

Wow! If that enthusiasm for Kerry can spread to the general electorate, there’s no stopping him! Wheeeee!!!

Speaking of enthusiasm, Kevin Drum thinks it’s in short supply for the California primary vote. Will a suppressed turnout help Edwards? Or will the Left Coasters file in line for (hooray) Kerry? We’ll see.

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