Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Edwards ascendant

Here’s a New Republic article on how Edwards, if he really wants the nomination, should drop the “Mr. Nice” routine and go on the offensive:

And, make no mistake: attacking Kerry presents Edwards with a very real chance of success. Particularly if Edwards seizes on Kerry's greatest vulnerability -- his habit of taking both sides of every major issue. You can already see the press's growing unease with Kerry in the tepid reviews that they gave his performance in last weekend's debate -- and the schadenfreude they're enjoying after his disappointing Wisconsin finish.

And the PoliPundit (by way of the Note) details the Edwards Scenario:

Plus, and this is a big plus: Kerry is exhausted, by all our accounts, and while Edwards is tired, he seems fresher. Energy and verve will matter greatly during the next two weeks.

Anybody but Lurch.

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