Friday, February 27, 2004

Can you feel the energy!?!

American Prowler picks up on John Kerry’s library meetings campaign rallies:

"The scariest moments have been when he's doing one of his Q&A sessions with folks," says the staffer. "He'll give this incredibly long-winded answer, then the people just sit there. No applause, no feedback, no nothing. And he just stands there. You can hear a pin drop. That's not good in campaign settings."

Christopher Hitchens also comments on the attenuated support for Senator Splunge:

One reason I think this campaign is very lame -- it's supposed to have momentum, I wouldn't say it had much enthusiasm behind it -- he gives the impression that it's kind of his turn to be president and that he has a feeling of entitlement to the job.

Is it too late to get Dean back? (Hat tip to Tim Blair for the Hitch quote).

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