Monday, February 09, 2004

The bitterness and the bile of the Democrats

From Slate: “Al Gore thinks it’s 1976 all over again

"We have seen an administration which in my view more closely resembles the Nixon-Agnew administration than any other previous administration," he said. "There's a reason I say that. I don't offer that as simply a casual slur." The crowd laughed. "I'm not above a casual slur," Gore added, in a "mind you" tone, to more laughter. "But I'm biased, I didn't vote for the guy." A man calls out, "Neither did America!" To which Gore responds, "Well, there is that."

Here, in a snapshot, is why the Democrats will continue their streak and lose again in 2004: they’re the party of anger. As a result, they’ve coalesced around a candidate entirely because of his “electability” (see here and here); now they need to convince America to be as angry as Al Gore. No policies required: it’s just “Anybody But Bush” until November. Here’s Real Clear Politics on Gore’s speech:

The Democratic party looks increasingly like a junkie strung out on Bush-hating drugs. They have no vision for the future, are unable to articulate any serious policy alternatives, and now live only for the next high, which usually comes in the form of slanderous, ad hominem attacks on the President like the one Al Gore delivered last night.

The Democrats got nothin’. Here’s the home page for the Democratic National Committee: it’s entirely dominated by criticism of Bush’s policies with no alternatives presented, no positive vision in sight.

In 2002, Terry McAuliffe (God bless him!) guaranteed that Governor Jeb Bush would be defeated for re-election because of lingering anger over the Florida recount. Jeb won by double digits (13%). The Democrats should take heed of this lesson if they think they’re going to ride anger to a win in 2004.

Extra: Mark Kilmer has more on Gore.

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