Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Wednesdays are for W

Just now on my local Western Massachusetts TV station, an older man (apparently a Dean supporter) said about Kerry that [paraphrasing] “He’s been in the Senate for a long time but he hasn’t done much.” He’s not wrong. Kerry has been a moth to the camera lights and has sat on many high-profile investigations, but he’s done almost nothing for Massachusetts or the country:

Asked what he has accomplished during his 19 years in the Senate, Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry gives a lengthy answer but has a short list of laws that bear his name.

So in nearly twenty years, he’s introduced almost no legislation and (when he votes) Kerry has been a rubber stamp for Ted Kennedy, voting with the senior senator nearly 100% of the time. If you want to see what some of those votes were, see PoliPundit’s post on Blogs for Bush.

Now’s the time to volunteer or donate to the George W. Bush re-election effort. Also, if you want to join the lengthy “Wictory Wednesday” blogroll, click here. It's important. Thanks.

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