Thursday, January 22, 2004

The Village Voice: Mondo New Hampshire

Kerry: “Buoyed by cheers from his supporters and a growing scrum of cameras and reporters, Kerry offered up a pitiful list of ideas that don't amount to a hill of beans: Let's buy drugs from Canada, and be nicer to veterans—at the very least let them see a doctor once in awhile. And hey, let's not give too much power to the special interests. While the New Hampshire voters who fought their way to seats in the college theater received the senator with politeness and attention, they issued few cheers, and greeted his statements with light applause. Kerry's lackluster speech may well have been due to laryngitis and tiredness. Whatever the case, he looked like a wind-up doll.”

Clark: “Yesterday Clark continued to run around like a chicken with its head cut off. Clark is now referring to himself as "General Smith Goes to Washington," and saying things like: "I'm the only one who has pitched in a major league game, and I can throw a 95-mile-per-hour fastball."”

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