Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Remember when Triumph was on Leno and said….

The poop I made in the dressing room had more heat than John Kerry”? I miss those days.

But I digress…What’s the lesson for tonight? As this New Republic piece details (abridged somewhat on the Corner), the Democrats are truly a party without an ideology. In the past they’ve been characterized (correctly) as a collection of special interests, but tonight it became clear that the Donks are out for blood and they’ll pick anybody who demonstrates the most “electability.”

Look at the Dean surge and collapse. He had the money, then he got the endorsements, then he got the magazine covers: it was all so easy. But looking back, the Democrats really didn’t give a damn that he was the only one who “stood up” to President Bush while every other “Washington Democrat” voted for war in Iraq. All they cared about was the “Big Mo” and Dean had it.

Electable electable electable – confederate flag gaffe – still electable – Iowa loss – still electable – “Yeahhhhh!” – KERRY, we were with you all along!

Simply put, the Dems would have nominated Sharpton if he had been the most “electable.” Take note Senator Splunge: your support is a mile wide and an inch deep.

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