Thursday, January 22, 2004

Mickey Kaus on Kerry

My favorite line: “[He’s] narcissistically theatrical in his staged indignation

And: “Bill Clinton was long-winded, but he passed the do-you-want-this-person-in-your-living-room test. I find it unimaginable that Americans could stand to listen to Kerry for 4 months, let alone 4 years. I'm hoping the voters of New Hampshire won't be able to take 4 days.”

That’s why I’m holding off on the pronouncement of Dean’s demise. There’s a debate tonight in Concord, Dean has a Diane Sawyer interview scheduled which will surely be all sweetness and light. (Watch for the bemused look on Dean’s face as Sawyer plays back the infamous “Yeaaaahhhh!” speech.) Dean still has plenty of cash and support; who knows how the race will change now that Gephardt’s out and Clark is imploding with increasingly bizarre remarks.

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